Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Forged in the Refiner's Fire" Stories About Overcoming Trials

This book has been out for a couple of years, but it's still available for purchase. It's filled with inspiring stories of how people overcame trials. Here's the blurb:

Why do bad things happen? Is there a purpose when we face a bad trial? As mortals, we can be compared to ore, such as gold and silver. Ore that is unrefined is generally impure and undesirable. Only ore that is crushed -- and then refined by fire -- becomes beautiful, pure, precious and valuable. This book was written to help you see the results of the Ultimate Refiner, the Lord, in your own life.

Within these pages, people from all walks of life share their stories of triumph over tragedy. More importantly, they reveal how they were strengthened as they passed through the Refiner's fire. They became more precious, and so can you. Look for the experiences of vocalist Merrill Osmond, LDS writers Shirley Bahlmann, Elizabeth Cheever, Willard Boyd Gardner, Tristi Pinkston, and Candace E. Salima, renowned columnist Muriel Sluyter and several people across the nation who are ranchers, housewives, writers in the national market and more. Candace E. Salima partnered with Elizabeth Cheever to co-author this book.

You can learn more about Candace, purchase a copy, or see what else she's written at her website.

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