Saturday, October 10, 2009

"the Bishop's Bride" by Elizabeth Watkins

I'd seen this on several store shelves before I broke down and bought it. I was glad I did. It's a fun story, a great, light read.

Andrew McCammon, a widower, knows that he shouldn't be nervous going in for an interview with the stake president. They are friends, after all, and have worked together closely over the past few years. But something is still niggling at the back of his mind . . .

In one sentence, his stake president deals Andrew two of the biggest shocks of his life: First, he is called to be the new bishop of his ward. The second is even more alarming-he has three weeks to meet a woman, fall in love, and get engaged.

What follows is a sweet, hilarious, and thoroughly enjoyable story of one man's faith and obedience, intertwined with a series of delightfully bizarre events that guide the right woman to him. Readers of all ages will love this rollicking, exciting novel.

I couldn't find a blog or website for Watkins, but the book can be purchased through or

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